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The words "I", "me" and "my" mean the person who submits this application by clicking the "Submit Application" button below. The words, "Verico Mortgage Broker" means an independent mortgage broker that is a member of the Verico Mortgage Broker Network. If I have included information in this application in respect of any other person, including a co-applicant, I hereby confirm that such other person(s) has fully authorized me to release their personal information to my Verico Mortgage Broker and that such other person(s) consent to all of the terms set-out herein. The word "Information" means personal information about me and any other person(s) identified in this application, obtained from this application or other sources. I request that this application be submitted to my Verico Mortgage Broker as soon as possible. I understand that in submitting my application to my Verico Mortgage Broker, I am hereby expressly consenting to the submission of my application and the disclosure of Information to third parties, such as VERICO Canada, Grow, other lenders, insurers, credit reporting agencies, and the Verico Mortgage Brokers Agents and/or affiliates, for the purpose of arranging and/or renewing mortgage(s) or personal loans. I understand that this will allow the lender to submit and offer and quotation to me for my review. The parties hereto confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement, as well as all other documents relating hereto, including notices, have been and shall be drawn up in the English language only. Les parties aux presentes confirment leur volonte que cette convention, de meme que cette convention, de mem que tous les documents, y compris tout avis qui s'y rattache, soient rediges en langue anglaise. I hereby certify that the information given in my application is complete and correct and is given for the purpose of obtaining the mortgage loan and/or related financial services or products applied for.