Melinda Baker Mortgage Broker

Melinda Baker

Mortgage Broker

1370 Kilarney Beach Road Box 190, Lefroy, Ontario







4. Positive Cashflow


4. Positive Cashflow

Did you know there is strength in positive cashflow?

Many years ago, I figured out that many organizations struggle due to lack of money to accomplish the mission. I felt the best way that I could help any organization, was to volunteer my time and help them earn money while at the same time manage the resources we had. I am totally results oriented and so with that in mind, I personally knew that if I could help that organization to manage its money better I, in turn would learn more on how to manage money better. The same principals and knowledge that I had gained, managing both a charity and nonprofit finances, could be used for my household finances and help others. Those volunteer positions gave me the opportunity to help for greater benefit of those groups, and now I use those same learnings to help whoever wants to learn.

Cashflow is defined as the movement of money in and out of a company. And Positive Cashflow is more cash is coming in than cash that is going out in a set time.

Families are no different. Families like companies have cashflow of money coming in and money going out. How we manage that money daily will allow us to have more and sometime better opportunities in our life. Typically, most people struggle with not having enough money to complete the must do things in life. Too many times, we are living our lives believing that we need that next shiny new thing and not really appreciating what we have or truly need. An Oct 15th, 2016, quote says.” If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. “I know it is 2022 almost 2023 so things have changed a lot since 2016, but the concept is similar, and a lot of other countries are not as financially stable as Canada is still.

At one time I struggled a lot with being able to pay my bills, credit card and having enough money to get the necessary items. I had to make choices:

  1. The choice to get another part-time job or side hustle to earn more money and increase the income coming into my household.
  2. The choice to included purchasing a “lesser priced” jean brand so I could buy 3 pairs of jeans.
  3. Positive cashflow life (choice) is spending less than you earn and invest for future growth.


Previously, as a single mom of 2, I had a family to provide for and they needed me to make the hard choices so they could have some necessary things like food, clothes, and shelter. Time moves on and you learn these things, like I did. You then build upon those learning opportunities to help you become stronger in a positive cashflow way and have more future options. It is never too late to learn these new things. Being born and raised in Canada has given me many freedoms. US President Ronald Reagan said,” Freedom in never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…” As a Canadian woman I have earn an education, a career, start businesses, and raise my family which are sometimes forbidden in other countries. I want to help other people to do these things and learn to live positive cashflow lives. I believe that if you give a “man” a fish he will eat for a day, but if you teach a “man” to fish he will eat for a lifetime. Once you learn some basic positive cashflow principals then you can eat for a lifetime. The question is will you choose to learn?

When you want help reach out to me to start your journey.

Melinda Baker 

Melinda Baker Mortgage Agent M21000893 Verico The Mortgage Station 11707

Phone: 705-220-1608 melinda@themortgagestation.ca mortgageweb.ca/melindabaker



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